Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's All Collections Types of Funded Account Challenge What Is the FunderPro Single Phase Fast Track Challenge?
What Is the FunderPro Single Phase Fast Track Challenge?

FunderPro's Single Phase Challenges have been engineered so that traders who have tried and tested strategies can get funded faster. 

Below you'll find all the details of these accounts.

Fast Track Challenge Pricing

Challenge Fee*Account Size

*Once the trader receives a Funded Account, the Challenge Fee will be refunded in full. 

Fast Track Challenge Rules

Swing AccountPhase 1Funded Account
Max Daily Drawdown4%5%
Max Overall Drawdown7%10%
Profit Target14%n/a
Time LimitUnlimited Timen/a
Minimum Trading Days**-n/a
Consistency RuleYesNo
News HoldingNoNo
News TradingNoNo
Weekend holdingNoNo

**Please note that there are no minimum trading days, except those needed to comply with the Consistency Rule.

Fast Track Challenge Leverages

Asset ClassDefault Leverage
Metals, Oil, Indices10