Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's All Collections Global Partnership Is a FunderPro Global Partner the same as an Affiliate? 
Is a FunderPro Global Partner the same as an Affiliate? 

While both FunderPro Global Partners and Affiliates play crucial roles in expanding the reach of FunderPro, they are distinct in their capacities and responsibilities. A FunderPro Global Partner is more than just a promoter; they act as stewards of the FunderPro product within their local trading communities.

This stewardship role empowers them to offer tailored support, undergo specialized training, and actively contribute suggestions for product enhancements that cater to the unique needs of their community.

Their deep involvement with FunderPro also grants them access to a plethora of enhanced monetization opportunities. One such opportunity is the ability to manage and oversee other affiliates, thereby creating a structure that benefits all involved.

In essence, while Affiliates are promoters, Global Partners are community leaders, mentors, and collaborators, ensuring that FunderPro resonates with traders at a grassroots level.