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Trading Platforms Available
What Trading Platforms are Available on FunderPro?

FunderPro offers TradeLocker, the first web-based platform to natively integrate TradingView™.


TradeLocker is a user-friendly, web-based trading platform that provides seamless access to global financial markets. It offers a wide array of trading tools and features to assist traders in making informed decisions. FunderPro has integrated TradeLocker to offer our clients a secure and efficient trading environment. This platform is particularly suitable for traders who prefer quick and easy access and the convenience of trading from any device with an internet connection. TradeLocker offers Android and iOS apps, but can also be used from any browser, on any device, and on any operating system.

How FunderPro Utilizes Its Trading Platforms

FunderPro leverages TradeLocker to provide its clients with a comprehensive and secure trading environment. While we do not own or build this platform, we have integrated it seamlessly into our systems to ensure a professional trading experience. Our support team is ready to assist you with any queries or issues you may encounter.